電/子/報 News

《臺灣酒駕防制社會關懷協會通訊》 第二期 2020.06








2013年5月臺大醫師曾御慈,不幸遭酒駕肇事撞及而身亡, 臺大重創中心的同事以及當時的主任柯文哲醫師,非常感概, 天天救人,卻救不回自己的同事。
當年年底,由臺大、馬偕、長庚等教學醫院的醫師群與社會賢達, 以及酒駕受害者家屬,組成「臺灣酒駕防制社會關懷協會」, 共同推動酒駕防制。
本會的英文全名為Taiwan Against Drunk Driving,簡稱TADD。

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本會自2013年12月成立至今,致力於酒駕防制各項工作, 今年首要目標,將展開全國性酒駕防制專題研討會(共三場 7/4台北、9/6台中、11月高雄), 針對酒駕者的樣態與飲酒行為進行分析,酒駕醫療介入成效之探討, 以及酒駕事故造成之外傷型態等議題,邀請到多位專家主講, 內容非常精彩。邀請各位關心酒駕的先進共襄盛舉~


活動截至5/31已圓滿落幕。感謝各界人士支持! 本次共計有26位參與者,本會皆已通知各獲獎者。
本次拍攝活動雖然告一段落,  防酒駕仍持續不懈,邀請各位一同成為防酒駕小尖兵。


End drunk driving by the use of technology   

By Vino Lin 林美娜

What is technology enforcement? A new government measure that took effect on March 1 stipulate that motorists whose driver’s license has been revoked for driving under the influence of alcohol are required to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicle after retaking ans passing their driver’s license test.

The measure is a good example of technology enforcement closely related to the persons involved.

Drunk driving is a criminal offense that can be prevented and the new preventive measure is needed for high-risk groups, such as repeat offenders.

An analysis of National Police Agency data on drunk driving convictions shows that the percentage of first-time offenders dropped gradually from 85.3 percent in 2007 to 67 percent in 2013, or 18.3 percentage points during the seven years.

However, the percentage of repeat offenders increased from 14.7 percent to 33 percent during the same period.

Moreover, Ministry of Transportation and Communications data showed that between January 2009 and December 2013, the percentage of repeat drunk driving offenders was 16.73 percent, but that rose to 36.86 percent between July 2010 and June 2015.

The constantly rising number shows the severity of the problem.

Repeat drunk driving offenders often lack a moral sense of traffic safety and a law-abiding spirit. They are opportunists with bad driving habits who think they can get away with it.

Effectively deterring them from repeating the offense requires a combination of measures. In addition to raising the fine, the government has implemented a series of new measures such as the mandatory installation of a breath alcohol ignition interlock device on the vehicles of repeat offenders.

This is one example of a preventive measure carried out with the help of technology enforcement.

The regulation stipulates that those whose driver’s license was revoked for driving under the influence must first complete 15 hours of drunk driving prevention courses or undergo at least 12 sessions of rehabilitation for alcohol addiction at a medical institution.

They must also pay for the courses or rehabilitation out of their own pocket and obtain a certificate of completion before they can apply to retake a driver’s license test.

After passing the test, they can only drive a vehicle with an ignition interlock device for a one year and they must pay the cost of renting the device.

If they fail to use an ignition interlock device or drive a vehicle without such a device after getting a new license, they would be fined between NT$6,000 and NT$12,000, and their vehicles would be seized and kept in temporary storage.

Anyone who blows into the breath sensor for someone else would also be fined between NT$6,000 and NT$12,000.

As drunk driving prevention awareness rises, most Taiwanese now avoid driving under the influence and rely on designated drivers.

Looking at drunk driving from the perspective of the “80/20 rule” — also known as the Pareto principle — we can see that based on traffic data and practical experience, more than 80 percent of drunk driving incidents are caused by repeat offenders, who account for less than 20 percent of overall offenders.

Hopefully, the ignition interlock devices will help eradicate the bad habits of the few drivers who jeopardize not only themselves, but also others.

Vino Lin is secretary-general of Taiwan Against Drunk Driving.

Translated by Eddy Chang

本文刊登於Taipei Times:  https://www.taipeitimes.com/ News/editorials/archives/2020/ 05/07/2003735957
中文原文刊登於自由時報:   https://talk.ltn. com.tw/article/paper/1368959


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      這個故事最諷刺的面向之一,是隨著二十世紀到來, 針對駕駛人失能與否的判別能力大幅提升了。
血液酒精濃度及其他科學創新, 雖然用來提供資料對明顯酒駕者課以重刑, 但為這些人免除罪責的情形也不在少數—— 即使無辜受害者因這些魯莽的胡作非為而死亡。

 美國人極為興奮地歡迎新型汽車。 汽車年銷售量從1900年全年總計八千輛, 躍升至1920年的八百多萬輛
。新的交通工具讓人們在短時間內進行長距離運輸, 並且迅速成為身分地位的象徵,但也帶來不安。在
城市裡和鄉間道路上,汽車顛覆了日常的生活節奏。畢竟, 這個時期的初級運輸模式,也就是馬拉車,
移動緩慢。是有發生涉及馬匹或牲畜的意外, 但通常行人或其他駕駛人會讓路給脾氣拗的馬兒。當然,
其他機動化運輸方式已經存在幾十年了, 最有名的是城市裡的軌道電車和穿梭城市間的火車。操控這些

〈列車長喝醉了〉,這是1887年1月10日的《紐約時報》, 關於發生在德拉瓦州境內的威明頓與北方鐵
路一列兩節火車車禍的新聞標題。不到一個星期前, 一名工程師可能造成俄亥俄州蒂芬市附近的巴爾的
摩暨俄亥俄鐵路一樁駭人的意外事故,令十六人死亡。「 泰勒這名工程師據說已經喝醉了,」《華盛頓
郵報》報導:「他那班列車上的煞車員也說兩人前一晚喝了四杯。」 【註】

【註:The Conductor Was Drunk,"  New York Times,January 10, 1887, 5;"Sixteen People Killed",  Washington Post,June 5,1887, 1.】


